Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sunday Fun day

Up and off to SS.  No donuts today, :( , but I did have Stella help me in the nursery during church, so that was fun.  We didn't have any kids at the beginning of the service, so I prayed so that Stella and I would have someone on the nursery.  A family that is staying at Paul and Maryann's house (and he works for James L.) has 4 kids and a 3 year old that the dad had "taken out" for a while.  So as they came back in the church I invited Landon to come to the nursery ... prayer answered.  After church I started putting together miniature flower designs for the Clay County fair.  I went to Prairie Pedlar to find out the name of some plants I had bought there.  I finished all 6 arrangements.  Denny took a nice long nap.  I went to prayer time at church.  At home we watched movies and I tried to clean up my mess in the kitchen/house.
Bike riding Anabel and Phillip out in the countryside ... not in the big city.  And always collegiate cute sporty Jack. 

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