Saturday, September 1, 2018

Happy birthday Luke!!!!

Luke, we are so happy to have you in our family!  It has been a great ride!  Also, thanks for getting me going on this blog.  We also love your ladies.  :)  Much happiness!

We got up about 7 and had a wonderful breakfast.  We got lots done!!!   The fence line had many dead lilac trees, so out they came.  The big pine tree in the front was dead, so out it came.  Cooks had bought 6 dwarf burning bush plants and dug another 10 for future plantings.  Mandy had bought 12 plants @ $2 from Hyvee.  From that bunch we planted 3 lilac by mailbox, 2 out north of dwarf burning bush, one by dining room window, and 6 were gardenias which will die when it freezes, so we didn't plant them.  Denny is an artist with the bobcat!!!  Plus he used the bobcat to haul loads and loads of tree limbs to a burn pile in the back of the 3 acre lot.  More rummikub before heading to bed.  

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