Thursday, September 20, 2018

At home

Nice slow am.  Denny had search committee meeting at 9.  I worked on bringing in all of yesterday's  projects (stuff) from the car into the house to put away.  Nametag craft stuff, towels/ washclothes purchased,  vases from Harskamps, possible tops for Missy, glasses from New Leaf, scrap books, Awana bag, etc, etc, etc,
Denny went to IG in late am.  I went to CSA barn and then picked some flowers for study gals.   Naps after study,  Daniela joined us for brats at 6.  Nice visit with her.  Pretty rainy night.  Now to pack tomorrow.  Looking forward to my trip.  Picture: Cute Jack out by fire pit playing with rocks and the metal pointy sword thing. 

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