Monday, September 24, 2018

Drive to Niagara Falls Day 3

We put suitcases out in the hall way at 6 and boarded the new bus (that hopefully will work) at 6:45.  It was a day spent in riding; we did stop for breaks and lunch and to go thru Canada customs.  Denny, thanks for downloading Downton Abbey.  It is a great time killer for a bus ride.  Jeanie and I share the head phones.  And thanks for the battery pack to recharge my phone.  I have needed it the past few days.  We got to Niagara Falls about 6, got situated in the motel and walked down to the look out to observe the falls after sunset.  They have changing lights on them.  So pretty, so relaxing to hear the distant roar of water.  It was a 5-8 block walk back up a hill to the hotel.  We ate at Chuck's grill.  Great meal ribeye steak for $15 with fries and sweet corn on the cob.  We ordered Coconut pie first as appetizer, 'cause we are old and we wanted to make sure we got dessert.  YUM!!  Hopefully nice leftovers.  No refrigerator, so I put it in the ice bucket.  Back to our room and we got ready for tomorrow.   

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