Thursday, September 27, 2018

Day 6 Thursday Sept 27

Coffee in am, breakfast at McD, leave at 8.   I loved today and it is not quite over.  The trip thru the north woods of Maine was very pretty.  I enjoyed seeing more colors and the trees really line both sides of the road.   The light house shoreline area at Portland head light was breathtaking.  SO beautiful!!!  I could have spent a couple days just sitting and watching the Atlantic Ocean.  Amazing!!!   I took so many cool pictures it will be hard to choose which ones to post on the blog.  Then we drove to the wharf area.  Denny encouraged me to go lobster "'cause this may be the only time I am there." So I went for it.  (but I did tell him that some time in the future I may go back again.)  :)   We went to DeMillos and sat outside on the deck of the boat and I ordered lazy lobster.  (I really just did not want to get all sticky and buttery by cracking the shells and legs.)  The meat was all picked out and soaking in butter.  Amazing!!!   We left there and headed south.  The time in Kennebunkport was great.  I would have liked to spend more time; there were lots of cute shops and the planter boxes and river area were beautiful.  But right now we are headed to south of Boston where we are spending 2 nights in the same motel.   The traffic was awful as expected, but driver Damen said he has seen worse, at least the cars were moving.  He lived 3 years in New York City.  At six the hotel fed us too well.  Very tender roast beef, steamed broccoli, green and yellow zucchini, carrots, garlic mashed potatoes, and gravy.  Plus cheese cake and blueberry topping. So good, Ate way too much.  Jean wondered if her top was feeling tight, did I think that she was eating too much????  Yes, we all are eating too much. 
We hear all types of conversations while riding with 52 others.  So I leaned over and told Jean I really appreciated that she was not a chitter chatterer.  Then I corrected myself and said that it maybe was not chitter chatter.  She added, "Yes, it is more like drivel that no one cares about."  Made me laugh.
After supper we watched more of Downton Abby.  Well, it was not on a 54 inch screen, but a 2 by 4 inch screen on the iphone.  We put in on 2 stacked ottomans between our 2 queen beds.  Oh, what a funny life we have.

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