Saturday, September 22, 2018

Saturday September 22 Day 1

I got up early so I could drive to Atlantic by 6.  We picked up Jeanie and headed to Walnut our meeting place.  A bus left before us heading to Mississippi for river cruise.  There were only 4 of us that got on at Walnut; we picked up 6 in Des Moines making the total riders 52.  Lunch stop at Coralville.  We stopped another time and had a memorable moment.  We were at a rest stop when a gal fell.  The words that we heard were like those of the commerial for lifeline.  Jean crawled under and unlocked the door.  I was exiting and Jean said,"Faith, get over here."  So we worked together and righted the situation.  Uffta!!  We got to Hammond and got tickets for the supper meal a short walk from the restaurant.  After supper we took a shuttle to a casino where Jeanie put in $5 and came home with $5.85.  Me, I just watched people and inhaled cigarette smoke. We called the shuttle to take us back to motel, ahead in our winnings.  In the future I am sure there will be much laughter over memories.  Denny is having a great time with Jack at the farm.  MoJo's are traveling Missouri with football and marching band competition.  MiJo's are at the Renaissance Fair.  NaJe's have had a school competition.  IaCo's are at the football game.  Me, I am headed east!

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