Friday, September 21, 2018

Full Day

Up for coffee and devos,  I got a call and so at 9 I met Lisa and walked and talked the Trail.  So good to reconnect.  I am so glad she called.  She said she couldn't think of any one else who would be crazy enough to walk on a gray windy day.  When I got home Mandy was there and had gotten Jack's play pen set up in the purple room.  I quickly put day lilies from north of the deck to west of the picket fence.  At 11 we went to Denny's  cardiologist appointment.  The EKG shows he has an irregulat heart beat.  Jason came to IG and he and Mandy headed to meet Nicole in Iowa City for the game.  Denny is going to have a great weekend  watching Jack.  Nicole was flexible with my appointment so I went to Wall Lake and got my nails done.  After supper I went down to help Daniela with decorations for her bachelorette  party.  Oh, did we have fun and everything really turned out cute.  I had picked some lisianthus and put them in 6 pink glasses for gifts.  I finished packing for New England Autumn trip while Denny lay in bed. 

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