Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Day 5 Wednesday September 26

It was so fun to wake up and see this post from Matt on facebook.  Congrats to Haley!!!!

We had suitcases out in hallway at 5:30 and after a great breakfast we boarded bus at 6:30.  Seven to eight hours of riding today.  It was beautiful.  We drove on a 2 lane road thru New York; trees were on either side and they were tall trees, some which were just starting to change color.  The houses were very close to the road.  I don't think you would want to tell your kids to play in the from yard.  There were not many rest areas for 52 people.  We stopped at a McD that was being remodeled.   Sure enough another hiccup.  Two stalls for the ladies and we were taking turns and waiting patiently.  After 15-20 flushings the floor drain backed up ... and kept rising with each flush, so we ladies were on to share the men's RR after they were done.  Needless to say the stop put us a little behind on schedule, still we arrived at the ferry at 11, right when the boat had unloaded and had room for our bus and about 5-6 cars and a motorcycle.   The weather was gray, but it was still good to get out on the deck and watch Lake Champlain and our trip to Vermont.   More pretty driving.  There were many bright green pastures among the trees and the houses were a little further back from the road.  The cider mill demonstration on cider making was interesting.  Nice taste tests.  Because the day was so gray and drizzling we didn't get out at 2 lookout posts, but just kept driving to our destination in New Hampshire.  Amazing travel, soft green covered mountains, and curvy roads.  The pictures don't do it justice.  After getting settled in our motel, Jean and I walked to the outlet mall and looked around, no purchases though.  I visited with Denny after Awana. 

The tower on the right was where we had lunch at Niagara Falls.  We were very high up with a pretty view of the falls.  

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