Friday, September 14, 2018

Me grapes, DJ band

I got up fairly early, showered, kissed Denny good by and headed to IG.  Quick stop at Doses, then up to help pick grapes.  There were 14 of us picking.  We picked 1600 pounds of Petite Pearl; last year we picked 2000 pounds of that variety.  All were happy to be done before noon.  I brought pesto to share and we had snacks and a taste test before Lenee's lasagna.  I stayed after lunch and sprayed out tubs after the grapes were put in the de-stemer.  Denny left this morning to go to Savannah to watch Haley march in the HS band and the boys play football this weekend.  I came home and napped.  Denny got to Matt's home okay and had a fun time at the football game.

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