Sunday, March 24, 2019

Monday March 25 Day 1 in Jensen's life in K.

I slept well, going to bed around 8:30 and waking several times to use the r room next to mine.  When I got up at 1:30 am I called Denny in Brownsville.  He was staining the deck.  He had leveled the back steps yesterday and is planning to use jacks and ,level the trailer tomorrow.  The luau went well.  He, Bill, and Les grilled the chickens.  They served 100.   He hasn't heard any thing from Service Master or the insurance adjuster.  Pray that damage will be covered by insurance.   I went back to sleep until 6:40.  Phillip and Brooks were making pancakes in kitchen.  Evan and Missy had been studying for his geography test in living room and also face timed G Grandma Lois and G'ma Laurie.   All the family was happily wearing clothes from gift luggage.  We walked kids to the school white van  and continued the 45 min walk to their language class.  It was through busy streets where they drive opposite of US.  Lots of motor bikes and pedestrians.  At guest house for language class I met Mark (From Chicago and studied at New Tribes 2013, his wife Josey graduated from Moody, Mark grew up in Wisconsin  and has been here 1 1/2 years,  They finished the 22 Chapters of language in 14 months.  Both Josey and Mark are taking classes in BIOLA.  Mark and Phillip's instructor is  Beekosh.   I later met Mike (on Team and heading back to states (from Indiana) after 3 years in N.  Cindy is his wife)   Somma G. (adding G at the end of her name is a term of respect, Missy's teacher) "Co mas day" is greeting.  Like we do in yoga with hands together in prayer and slight bow.  Thank you is "Don you baad."   I joined Phillip in a walk before his class at 10:30.
and took a video.  But I wish I would have started the video on the very busy street by the school where they must have been having a big assembly or something.   I took a couple pictures of graffiti.  Missy got some grapes from a fruit bike.  He had a balancing scale to measure pounds of grapes and bananas.  At home we ate lunch and I washed dishes using water heated in a heating pot.  And now I am out in the hammock chilling.  There are sounds of roosters, hammering for house building, running water, barking dogs.    Grace, Missy's helper with the language came at 2.

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