Sunday, March 31, 2019

Monday April 1



April Fools!!!!!!

I did not wear miniskirts .... I did wear short skirts .... Never called them Mini skirts .
I did wear what they called Hot Pants, as part of the Diamond Darling uniform.
I never wore GoGo boots.
I didn't drive a Mustangs GT  BUT
I rode in Denny's Pontiac GT.
I listened to the Beatles, Beach Boys and Carole King.
AND  my Grands are WAY cooler than I ever was.
In fact, if the truth be told,
I was never cool and My Grands are WAY cooler than I ever was  ...
or ever hope to be.

     Now for my day in N.   Nice night's sleep.  I guess Tylenol pm does the trick.  Nice to know.  Anabel had a great April Fools joke with TP and soft chocolate.  After we walked the kids to the school van, Missy and I went to the vendors and bought 24 potatoes for the team potato bake on Tuesday night.  At home I fried bacon and ham for potato toppings and put in freezer.  We left to walk to Language class about 10.  I shopped at a paper store while Missy got a few groceries.  Cool stuff at the store.  I love their textiles.  NOTE TO SELF: ALWAYS have Missy practice on her flashcards when we walk.  Missy walks very fast.  Much faster than I.  It helps a lot when she practices on language flashcards on her phone when we walk.  I can almost keep up with her.  
      That being said, I really think I should be better at navigating and remembering my way around places.  But I feel like I have choices.  Do I look around at the stores/shops/landmarks like the place where they burned cornstalks right by the road/ our house? And try to remember them.  Or do I keep my eyes on the road/path/street and all of it's pot holes/mud puddles/ dog poop?  So I don't sprain an ankle.  Or do I look at Missy when she is talking to me?  Because it is respectful to do that. Or do I watch out for the motorcycles/bicycles/cars that are traveling so very close to me?  Because if I reached out my hand I could touch them as they pass.  Very interesting!!!  I don't really know where my limited attention should be spent.  In the next couple days I hope to venture out on my own.  (Of course, it will be with a very short leash.)

This picture is of the house which has been being built 10 feet from the Jensen's front gate.  
Two brothers are building it. The men who are building it are staying in a house/tent close 
so they come to work early.  All of the labor is done by hand.
James is on the rented motorcycle and he and Missy are visiting before he takes off.  

Recorded pictures of house construction from December 24, 2018:
All the labor is done by hand.  Uffta!!!!

April 14, 2019.  This is the house when we got back from the trek.  Two brothers are building it.  I am not sure how many people will live in it, kind of a duplex.   The outside is now covered with plaster that will probably be painted.  

In the second house they have painted some of the walls and has electricity.  The chandelier was very pretty.  There were 2 kitchens in this side of the duplex.  One on ground level and one on 2nd or 3rd floor. 

Staircase was marble???  granite???  Pretty stair railing of stainless steel?? aluminum??
It is going to be a very nice house/ houses I think.  Pretty tile on the floors. 

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