Friday, March 22, 2019

Thursday Heading home to water :(

I was awake and headed north at about 6:30.  Safe trip, quick stop at Walmart in Atlantic, and home by 11.  I walked thru the upstairs and it looked so good.  Most of my plants were alive in the sunroom.  Everything was so clean and looked so nice ... I headed to check out the basement.  As I opened the door and stepped down ... SOGGY!!!  UFTAA!!!!  My steps left marks in the saturated carpet.  Oh, dear.  The blue and green bedrooms were not soggy.  Kitchen and Yellow room are wet also.  I went out to the car to get my phone and heard water running.  The outside faucet by the front step was running.  Uffta!!  I shut it off, called Denny, and he started the process of calling Service Master and the insurance company.  I headed to IG to meet Mandy, Jack, Karen and Rose at Goldsmiths.   I took some Casey's pizza.  It was so much fun to watch Rose and Jack play!!  Maren S. came to pick up some succulents that my Texas neighbor Donna had let me pick to bring back for Gretchen's wedding.  Maren is going to baby them while I am in N.   At home I watched the Service Master men work.  When they left I went to the garden and pulled off 7 strips of carpet so the ground is clear east of the coop for Denny to plant grass. I left about 7 strips to plant flowers.  I have ordered about 75 plugs of sunflowers, plus my lisianthus and eucalyptis and will need more room to plant them.   I then started to pack.  Matt and Becky gave me 2 big suitcases that had an extended space you could open with zippers.  It was huge to have that additional space, so I could pack 50 pounds (Without going over).  I think I got it almost all in.  That was amazing!!!  Thank you, Jesus.  I visited with Denny before going to bed.

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