Saturday, March 30, 2019

Saturday March 30 Full!

I fell back asleep until 7:30 and I knew we needed to leave soon for gymnastics.  And we did.  We got a taxi and got there by 8:10.  Anabel said that was okay because they never start on time.  It was fun to watch.  There were only about 9 girls there with 3 instructors.  From gymnastics we headed to N. church, but we stopped at 12 Baskets Bakery before.  Church was next, with around 5% English words when the service was 2 hours long.  Every Knee shall bow and every tongue profess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  So good ... the body of Christ.  Missy and Evan took a taxi to KISC because Evan was invited to a paintball birthday party.  We went to Evoke for lunch with Ross and Abby.  Great food.  Then Anabel, Brooks and I went to a painting class.  So fun and I let the instructor make many additions to my poor painted picture and I think it turned out pretty good.  We met

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