Thursday, March 14, 2019

The day was full and fun!

Up and walked 45 minutes.  Tao brought tamales for Gail and me ($20 for 3 dozen) and I fixed guacamole.  I played pickle ball at 8:30.  Hot and humid and fun.  Denny went to help Bill.  At home I got stuff together for packing.   I went to study: Kay M, Gladys, Becky, Nancy, Julie M. Julie D. and me.  At 2 I went to 401's carport for the 3 sisters' birthday party.  At 4 we went to yoga in the park.  At 5, Gail, Bruce Nancy, and I left to go eat seafood at Port Isabel.  We got home for a short time before Gail and I headed to play ponytail at 7.  Afterward cards, at the trailer, I made cookies and served them with ice cream while we watched the final Top Chief show.  Missy has a big language test this day.  Lord, be with her, calm her, give her a clear mind to answer questions.
The number example she sent looks crazy!!!

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