Saturday, March 9, 2019

Yoga at FM

I woke up during the night, so I went back to sleep and didn't take my 45 minute walk until 6:30.  Then at 7:30 Gail, Terri and I went to yoga at the FM.  Denny got a haircut.  I went to play pickle ball, it was so windy ... not chilly at all, but the wind just wore me out.  I chilled until Denny got home at 3.  I got an email from James listing things I should get and first on the list is getting 2 passport pictures for my visa and 4 passport pictures for our trek trip.   Hopefully Walgreens/Walmart will do the ticket.  If I was at home I would just use the i phone and printer, but we don't have photo quality printer here.  AND I also need to apply for a travel visa on line.  Uffta!! A little out of my comfort zone.  Denny grilled an amazing meal for supper.   Grilled tilapia, asparagus, garlic bread,  saute'd onions, wild rice, and coleslaw.  YUM!!

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