Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Progresso, Tuesday March 19th

Up fairly early.  Matt and Becky went on a coffee date.  I made banana muffins and scrambled eggs.  Kane rode bike.  :)  We headed for Mexico about 10.  Quite an adventure for the family.  Becky does a great job of bartering.  She helped Denny get a great hat to keep the sun off his head.  TJ got a cool Patriots backpack and Mexican gum.  Kane got a mini fiddle and Mexican gum.  Haley got a billfold purse, cloth coin purses, some bracelets.  Matt got Mexican peanuts.  I got my shoes polished and 2 wooden bananas to use as batons for Awana games on banana split night.  We ate a Arturos.  Denny got goat meat.  At home we fed turtles at the lower rasaca as Haley got in her 28 minute run (training for track) and then went to pool and hot tub.  The pool was covered, but we pushed the cover back so guys could play keep away.  Then we all played shuffle board in the rain.  Denny grilled hamburgers for supper about 8.  With all the rain, there was no pickleball.  Gail and Bruce came over before they were leaving in the morning.  It has been a great season down here with them.  SO GOOD to have them next door for 3 months.  I love doing life close to my siblings, spending time with them, and making memories.  We watched family i heart memories before going to bed.
best. smile. ever.

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