Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Slept in until 7:20.  I read devos and then went to the hot tub (to soak my fingernails after playing in the dirt yesterday.  Nice quiet am.  We left for Mexico about 10:30 and stopped to get a sausage biscuit because my tummy didn't feel quite right.  We stopped at Angels and then went to Princess for a pedicure and manicure.  We ate upstairs at Angels.  Really good food. I bought 5 Mexican dinner plates.  Why? I'm not sure, but I liked them.  Hope I will continue to like them.  We sat on the deck for a while after we got home and then a cool swimming pool and hot tub.  Home to watch Project Runway.  I got 184 on the challenge this week.  Jensen kids had a dress up day at school yesterday.

Kathy is at her daughter's wedding in Jamaica with her 3 daughters. 

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