Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sunday March 31

Devotions in hammock.   The day is calm,  there was quite a rain storm during the night, but the sun is out, workers are building on the house 15 feet away from our entrance gate.  Dogs are barking, birds chirping.  Missy is doing T25, Anabel has made chai tea.  It is so good.  I have caught the eyes of 2 neighbor ladies.  The one who is working on the house across the street smiled.  The lady next door (two feet from the trampoline behind a 4 foot brick wall) first ducked, then stood up again and tentatively smiled and slightly waved in return.  This is to be a day of rest, But we do have Brooks' birthday party at KISC with 6 other boys from 2-4:30.  Anabel looked on youtube for guitar instructions, but it was hard.  Anabel and I went to the bakery for croissants, then Missy joined us and we got groceries.  Brooks, Evan and I played Carcassonne on the table in the front yard.  Brooks won on the very last card.   At 1 we took a taxi to KISC.  The fuutsal field was a perfect place for the active birthday party.   For 2 hours the 6 second graders played hard and didn't stop.  Very cool that the boys were from Austria, Australia, England, Korea, San Diego, & India born (mom from Missouri) Quite the assortment.  James and Phillip came right when we transitioned to the food time.  We took the same taxi home.  After supper we watched a video of James and Phillip's motorcycle ride home and the Kindness adventure.   To bed early.  :)  with Tylenol pm.   At a talk with Denny earlier today I found out there was antifreeze in the tractor oil.  NOT a good sign.  Lord, grant us wisdom.
Missy ordered cupcakes that spelled out Brooks' name from nearby bakery.
Also had soccer balls and Olympic symbols. 

The gang

Treats for those boys in trees or on the ground. 

The family:

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