Sunday, April 29, 2012
Sunday April 29, 2012
Late night last night. I didn't sleep well. Who knows why. Mandy stopped by after getting off work at 7:40. We went in for donuts about 8:40. After church we took Michael home and stopped at the hospital to see Howard. Linda and Gary were there. I worked at school for about an hour, then we headed home. quick naps, We picked up Beth and Stephen for camp Sunday supper. I think this weekend Luke and Karen visited Matt and family in St. Joe. It looks like Matt ran in a race with the help of his kids. PLus he is a delegate for National Republican convention. Nice going, Matt.
Republicans from the western part of Missouri’s 6th Congressional District will be represented at the party’s national convention in August.
Delegates from Buchanan and Platte counties have been selected for the GOP convention in Tampa. Matt Johnson of St. Joseph will go as a Rick Santorum delegate and Jim Rooney of Weston will go with a vote for Newt Gingrich.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Saturday April 27,2012
Missy headed to Pella to visit with college friends. I helped get kiddos in the car. I checkd the Denny slept until after 8. Mandy ran and swam before heading home. Denny got grill redy to go to fairgrounds. I went to see Howard and Mandy. Then home. on way to town Denny said I should go with Mandy to Storm Lake. So I got out of car by Henningsons and and walked to Howards. Their plans changed and we took Grandpa to Hospital. Dr. Luft thought that Howard would not get over the pneumonia without IV antibiotics. Mandy took me to the fair grounds after the hospital. Laura had a food stand. We were there til 2. Then to grocery store to get brats for Awana meal in 10 days. Talked to Tony. :( Then to hospital. Phillip was there. He and I went to Prairie Peddler. Denny was still at hospital when I got home. He stopped to get sticky traps. We dropped grill off at Stangls. After supper we went out to clean coop. Phillip pitched in
too. After it was done we called to see if Laura wanted to chill with us in the coop. It was a go. Nice visit. Missy is headed home from Pella. This computer does have as many pictures as my other one computer. We miss her so.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Friday April 27, 2012
Last Friday in the month we get to wear jeans if we pay $1 toward Relay for Life. It's amazing how the little things make my day. When I got to Howard's this am the front door was locked. He wasy lying down of the sofa. Mandy was at work. She took him in to the doctor because he has been very worn out and not eating. At school I took C to Foodpride. She is getting so much better at weighing fruits and adding up how much items are going to cost. After school I gave Missy her birthday present. I took care of the Grands that night so she and Phillip could hang out. I got the kids at Masters. We stopped at the bank to see Grandpa. At the library I took a nap in the car while they were in their car seats. I gave them a sucker and told them to be quiet so I could sleep. It worked well. Nine minutes later we were headed to read books. Then to the rec center. Denny met us their about 6:20. We swam and ate a hot dog, then home to have them in bed by 7:45. They are headed to Pella tomorrow. Denny worked on putting Stangl's grill together. We watched a Netflix Maid in Manhatter before going to sleep.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
April 26 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISSY 1978-2012
What a happy day when Missy was born! Thanks for bring joy to our lives.
This morning when I stopped over a Howard's, he was still in bed. I left a note and before I drove off Mandy was upstairs, so I went back in to visit. Princess was out, but it didn't look like Howard had gotten up and eaten any thing during the night. Regular day at school. One gal in Careers,D, is out of town for a while. I'm glad she got to go on her job shadow yesterday. After school I went to Howard's. Mandy had made an angel food cake. She was making pizza I made ramen noodle salad. The family came over for Bday party about 6. Denny had disced a little at the south one acre then a hose came off the disc. The meal was great. Howard had a few bites then laid down on the sofa. At 8 when we were about to leave we didn't know if we would be able to persuade him into going upstairs. He kept telling us he was alright, he'd go up later after he rested here. Mandy finally said she didn't want to be by herself when he went upstairs. He sat up and slowly made it back upstairs to test his blood sugar. He sat for a while, got his blood tested, and then VROOMM VROOM he got up and went to his bedroom.
Mandy works 11-7 tonight. I wonder if he will be up when I stop at 7:10 tomorrow. When I got home, Denny had fixed the disc and was waiting for the turkey manure to be spread so he could disc again before the rain comes tonight. We sat on the deck as Brad L. brought his BIG spreader and tractor (about 15 tons???) and shared turkey poop south of the chicken coop. I'm calling it the south ONE...because it is south of the house and about 1 acre. Now that would have been a lot of t poop if he had spread it all. I checked the little pigs tonight; they seem to be doing fine. 10 of them have survived for three days. That is a good sign.
Mandy made a great cake for Missy. Thanks, Diane for the tips on frosting an angel food cake.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Wednesday April 26,2012
Stopped at East Johnson. Howard was up, had shots, and dressed, but he lay back down on the sofa again before he had eaten his breakfast. Mandy came up and asked him if he had eaten, he said "No". My career students had job shadows. I went and talked to 2 teachers at the elementary about geography lessons for C. 2 sped paras were gone today and we had 2 nice subs. At 5 I headed to Arthur. We had ordered 56 pizzas from the Pizza Hut One of their ovens was broken. It took a long time to get the food. We kind of ate in shifts. Larry D. counted 263 people at the Awana awards night. That is a lot. The Junior high set up the store. We went through a lot of stuff. Denny's ankle is really hurting him (a lot).
Gotta Love that Kane!!!
Aunt Mandy and Kane find an egg... A Harley Egg.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
April 24, 2012
Howard was up when I got there. He was in his white tighties and sitting at the kitchen table testing his blood sugar and giving himself an insulin shot. I visited for just a short time. Then I headed out and met Mandy at the hospital to say Hi. Regular day at school. C still not done with environmental presentation. B lost his yellow sheet. Got another so he could go on a job shadow. Made another appointment for IEP meeting. After school it was beautiful outside and I went to the track meet. I stayed for about half of it. I love to watch the hurdles. At home the south pasture had been disked, but it wasn't heavy enough. Paul R. came back with his 2 bottom plow. (This picture doesn't go with the day at all, but what do you expect when they change the blog posting procedure on me?
Paul H. sheared the sheep. 4 youth came out to see the process. (And I wanted C to stay and work on his "En Science presentation.)
I had corn dogs for after plowing and discing treat. Pretty cool 2 bottom plow that Paul R. used. Great night visiting with Mandy. Hopefully I will be able to figure out this posting change in blogspot. Great day!!!
Monday April 23, 2012
Stopped over to see Colorado travelers, Mandy and Howard, but they weren't home yet. It would help if I wrote down what others plans were. Sometimes it seems as though I can barely keep track of my own plans. Vicki was wondering why I got to school so much earlier today. Regular day at school. C has a Comp assignment that is overdue. Positive response on the work we had started with on resume's. I took Lauren to Foodpride to get groceries for her family, to her home to put groceries on porch, and we made it back to school on time. C has to do work on a Science assignment. I stayed at school til 5. Denny had Darren at bank starting on remodeling. He came and got the trailer to haul some filing cabinets away. At home, I made pizza then visited with the Jensens a little. Missy had posted on facebook that they were starting a CSA and had responses before noon. I mowed the lawn and went to check the little red waddle pigs. Still 10 alive, but they look pretty skinny.
Pictures of Walt Hammerstrom"s old car that has been fixed up by Doc T. Luke and Karen had their pictures taken with it.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Saturday April 21
Saturday April 21 Up at 6 for devotions and I started to work on an IEP. I was still struggling at 8:30. Denny had left for work at the Odebolt bank. Phillip fixed a coffee sample. I chilled out outside and then set to work on straightening up the bunk house upstairs. We ate lunch out on the deck. I had a salad , Denny had an egg sandwich. Dad went to the folks and he and Phillip fixed the rain gutter on the north side of the house. Phillip had 4 guys out to work this am. After lunch Missy went to town. Evan, Anabel and I watched Little houose on the Praire while Brooks napped. Then 7 up float on the deck. Dad and Phillip straightened the stairs to the Stangl house. we grilled sausage sandwiches and asparagus for supper. We signed me up for the last 878 Morningside class. We struggles ordering the book, Denny helped me make a resume for the careers class and students. It was great to sit out on the deck and watch the three grands playing, and Phillip planting, and hear Missy cleaning. Wonderful afternoon.
The east side of the barn is really looking rough. It needs a new roof and then the animals need to stop digging into the foundation.
in gutter on the north daie of the house.
Friday April 20
Stopped at east Johnsons. They were pack and bags were by the door. Pretty excited about going to Denver for the weekend. At school I took C to Foodpride and B asked for help with resume'. I stayed at school ti 6 just organizing stuff.At home Denny started fire in the coop. Jensens joined us. They had chicken noodle soup. We fixed polish sausage on the woodburning stove. Denny and I headed to bed about 9 and watched Netflixs North and south.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Thursday April 19, 2012
Denny left for work before me. I headed to SC. There was a Horizon Transitioning Conference at Stoney Creek put on by the AEA. I drove past Jitters to see where it was located. Cathy H and I got to the parking lot at the same time. Conference started at 8:45. It was pretty interesting. In the am I went to a panel discussion of 3 students who are now transitioning. It was interesting that they felt the same way our students do. They do not want to be singled out as from the resource room. I ate lunch quickly and walked to Jitters where I met up with Kim and Janet and high school students. Then back to the conference to listen to talk on Assistive Technology. The last session was on transitioning students to life after high school. I left at 3:30 to meet 2 other home school families at Sunny creek church where the students were in a drama class. Then to . meet with my Morningside professor. They assure me that the 827 class will not be so hard. I headed home about 5;30. Boy was I sleepy. I stopped at school and Denny had supper ready when I got home. We went to Laura's to check on Han's eye. It may be cherry eye. A possibly blinding infection.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
April 18 Wednesday 2012

Mandy worked last night. Quick stop at Howard's. There was an early out for Professional development. Denny had a appoointment with Dr. Mdyer about his ankle. It was too complicated for Dr. Meyer to work on. He is sending Denny to Omaha.
Awana: last regular meeting. We got the order from ustoys. and I marked them in the sunroom.
Monday April 16

Stopped at Dad's. Nice that Mandy was home. she ahd a great time in Ames. Regular day at school. Actually, I don't remember what I did. I am thankful for a job and the staff that I work with. I think Denny and I watched netflix. Dumb movie. Fox fire Light.
Picture Commentary: Every year there is something that really makes me happy about my flowers. This year is the first year simce I planted the flowering Almond bush that it bloomed. It really looked pretty.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Sunday April 15

We had 3 to take in for donuts before SS today. Yes, Brooks is 2 and able to go to SS. BUT we got Teddy grams instead. After church there was a servant auction for HS students going to Challenge. Denny got to bid with Pete's $. We came home and watched a Net Flex. Follow your heart. It gave an excellent perspective on life. I need movies like that to teach me an attitude of gratitude. Luke and Karen stopped by. They were over about 9 am and worked more on the tree house project that Luke started with Evan yesterday. I was impressed with the Industrial Technology major having Evan look at the tree, then draw a plan for a tree house, then measure and figure out how it might work. Then they went to Goldsmiths, Pizza Hut with Howard, Goldsmiths and Doses. They stopped back out on their way to Burlington. Denny cleaned out inside of pickup and jeep. Missy ran 10 minutes until we headed to prayer time. Another great day.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Saturday April 15.2012

Didn't go to Dad's this am. About 9 Denny and I headed to Arthur to set up projector. Then Phillip and Michael came and helped set up projector and move bank furniture. I headed into Dr. Toben's to see pictures being taken on Walt Hammerstrom's 1928 Buick. Then I went to get chicken dinner at Food pride. Howard and L&K joined us and Jensen's on the deck. Good food. Next part of the afternoon was spent tree housing for Luke, cleaning cars for Denny, Planting garden for Phillip and Michael, moving plants for me and Karen. They headed out about 4 to get pictures taken of staircase at Bergmans. We got cleaned up and went to shower about 6:30. It was very fun and very good food. They got a lot of nice gifts. After shower L&K and Jensens came down and chilled til midnight. Much to late for me. Plus I stayed up til 1 writing marriage advise. I looked on line for some funny ones. Much to late to stay up. What was I thinking????
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