Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday April 19, 2012

Denny left for work before me. I headed to SC. There was a Horizon Transitioning Conference at Stoney Creek put on by the AEA. I drove past Jitters to see where it was located. Cathy H and I got to the parking lot at the same time. Conference started at 8:45. It was pretty interesting. In the am I went to a panel discussion of 3 students who are now transitioning. It was interesting that they felt the same way our students do. They do not want to be singled out as from the resource room. I ate lunch quickly and walked to Jitters where I met up with Kim and Janet and high school students. Then back to the conference to listen to talk on Assistive Technology. The last session was on transitioning students to life after high school. I left at 3:30 to meet 2 other home school families at Sunny creek church where the students were in a drama class. Then to . meet with my Morningside professor. They assure me that the 827 class will not be so hard. I headed home about 5;30. Boy was I sleepy. I stopped at school and Denny had supper ready when I got home. We went to Laura's to check on Han's eye. It may be cherry eye. A possibly blinding infection.

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