Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday April 26,2012

Stopped at East Johnson. Howard was up, had shots, and dressed, but he lay back down on the sofa again before he had eaten his breakfast. Mandy came up and asked him if he had eaten, he said "No". My career students had job shadows. I went and talked to 2 teachers at the elementary about geography lessons for C. 2 sped paras were gone today and we had 2 nice subs. At 5 I headed to Arthur. We had ordered 56 pizzas from the Pizza Hut One of their ovens was broken. It took a long time to get the food. We kind of ate in shifts. Larry D. counted 263 people at the Awana awards night. That is a lot. The Junior high set up the store. We went through a lot of stuff. Denny's ankle is really hurting him (a lot). Gotta Love that Kane!!!
Aunt Mandy and Kane find an egg... A Harley Egg.

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