What a happy day when Missy was born! Thanks for bring joy to our lives.

This morning when I stopped over a Howard's, he was still in bed. I left a note and before I drove off Mandy was upstairs, so I went back in to visit. Princess was out, but it didn't look like Howard had gotten up and eaten any thing during the night. Regular day at school. One gal in Careers,D, is out of town for a while. I'm glad she got to go on her job shadow yesterday. After school I went to Howard's. Mandy had made an angel food cake. She was making pizza I made ramen noodle salad. The family came over for Bday party about 6. Denny had disced a little at the south one acre then a hose came off the disc. The meal was great. Howard had a few bites then laid down on the sofa. At 8 when we were about to leave we didn't know if we would be able to persuade him into going upstairs. He kept telling us he was alright, he'd go up later after he rested here. Mandy finally said she didn't want to be by herself when he went upstairs. He sat up and slowly made it back upstairs to test his blood sugar. He sat for a while, got his blood tested, and then VROOMM VROOM he got up and went to his bedroom.

Mandy works 11-7 tonight. I wonder if he will be up when I stop at 7:10 tomorrow. When I got home, Denny had fixed the disc and was waiting for the turkey manure to be spread so he could disc again before the rain comes tonight. We sat on the deck as Brad L. brought his BIG spreader and tractor (about 15 tons???) and shared turkey poop south of the chicken coop. I'm calling it the south ONE...because it is south of the house and about 1 acre. Now that would have been a lot of t poop if he had spread it all. I checked the little pigs tonight; they seem to be doing fine. 10 of them have survived for three days. That is a good sign.
Mandy made a great cake for Missy. Thanks, Diane for the tips on frosting an angel food cake.
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