Sunday, April 1, 2012

Friday March 30

Stopped at Howard’s, Mandy was still at work. I think I met her just after I got on highway 59. Denny was expecting a full day. It is Becky’s last day at work. They are serving cake. I sent a vase of daffodils. At school I took Carlie and Lauren to Food Pride. Denny contacted Matt and we are heading down there to watch the Grands play basketball on Saturday. I worked at school until 6. Then drove home, stopped at Howard's to say hi to Mandy before she headed to work at 7 pm. Denny got home and we headed to spend the night with Gail and Bruce in Atlantic. We were the first ones to sleep on their hideabed. I’m not really used to staying up until 11, but it was so good to be there.

Pictures: Evan and Torren had a great time playing all kinds of things together at South Padre Island. I didn't get a picture of Matt adn Becky's family sleeping quarters. But I did snap the boys on their kingsize bed watching a movie on the computer. The top floor had 2 big closets, one Kane had his portabed set up in for a bed room, the other closet had an air mattress on the floor for Haley and Torren to sleep on.

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