Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24, 2012

Howard was up when I got there. He was in his white tighties and sitting at the kitchen table testing his blood sugar and giving himself an insulin shot.  I visited for just a short time.  Then I headed out and met Mandy at the hospital to say Hi.  Regular day at school.  C still not done with environmental presentation.  B lost his yellow sheet. Got another so he could go on a job shadow.  Made another appointment for IEP meeting.  After school it was beautiful outside and I went to the track meet.  I stayed for about half of it.  I love to watch the hurdles.   At home the south pasture had been disked, but it wasn't heavy enough.  Paul R. came back with his 2 bottom plow.  (This picture doesn't go with the day at all, but what do you expect when they change the blog posting procedure on me? )
Paul H. sheared the sheep. 4 youth came out to see the process.  (And I wanted C to stay and work on his "En Science presentation.) (a
I had corn dogs for after plowing and discing treat. Pretty cool 2 bottom plow that Paul R. used. Great night visiting with Mandy. Hopefully I will be able to figure out this posting change in blogspot. Great day!!!

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