Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday April 29, 2012

Late night last night. I didn't sleep well. Who knows why. Mandy stopped by after getting off work at 7:40. We went in for donuts about 8:40. After church we took Michael home and stopped at the hospital to see Howard. Linda and Gary were there. I worked at school for about an hour, then we headed home. quick naps, We picked up Beth and Stephen for camp Sunday supper. I think this weekend Luke and Karen visited Matt and family in St. Joe. It looks like Matt ran in a race with the help of his kids. PLus he is a delegate for National Republican convention. Nice going, Matt.
Republicans from the western part of Missouri’s 6th Congressional District will be represented at the party’s national convention in August. Delegates from Buchanan and Platte counties have been selected for the GOP convention in Tampa. Matt Johnson of St. Joseph will go as a Rick Santorum delegate and Jim Rooney of Weston will go with a vote for Newt Gingrich.

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