Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Back home.....

Tuesday Back to the Midwest. Up at 5 and devotions in glass room. Nancy took Mandy and me to Justine’s at 7:30. We swam at her rec center from 8- 8:45. They let us in with her family pass. I swam about 3/4th of a mile. Mandy stayed there and Nancy and I went and got some plants for her garden area. When we got home I took a quick nap and finished washing sheets and getting them on the bed. By sending some stuff home with Hendersons, I didn’t have as much to pack. Nancy fried up the bacon and fixed yummy BLT sandwiches and salads. Justine brought potato salad when she and Mandy came. Mandy said she had hidden the knife set that she got from Nancy’s garage sale. She got me good. I said they X ray the bags at the airport. She said she hid the knife set … at Nancy’s until the wedding. Plane trip to Chicago was uneventful. The G. terminal to Omaha was kind of a long ways from the K flight to Denver. I had to keep going after I had to make a stop at the RR. Mandy left for Denver in a different terminal. So we said our good bys quickly as I waited for a long line and she headed to her K terminal. Gail and Bruce were waiting at the Omaha airport for me. They had left the pickup and trailer in Oakland. We stopped for DQ sandwiches in Oakland before I headed home. So good to see Denny after not being together since Friday am. He was fixing something and I waited to go and look at the flower garden with him. The flower garden was exploding with color. The snapdragons were great. Also lots of other flowers too. It looked so pretty. Good to be home. Pictures of Nancy's yard, before, while Mandy and Nancy kept me company as I worked, and what it looked like when I left. href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgJ1O2tmQsb-uJ7u1drGklNsNKrHZrbm4zOiiTfHaQySOM8EJS8b1pnKEQ4AVSppVsXKrK_vkIa2XV_FCW-gM38Y6d7irQXhnQjcr1IbnS_NN_Tl6nKXaoJnsZjnG7Da1s0BKdtlQ7zSg/s1600/2013+07+5-+18+073.jpg" imageanchor="1" >

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