Sunday, July 28, 2013

Wilder Sunday

I thought I wrote this post before, but who knows where it went. I picked dahlias in an for 2 side bouquets at church. Z.'s are leaving this am. I took pictures of the crew at 9. Then we took Grands to SS. There were donuts, etc. and a missionary speaking. Jackie and Duane Wilder were at church and so we invited them out for lunch. I borrowed some of Missy's sliced meat and had corn, watermelon and ice cream. They left about 2:30 and Denny and I went down for a Sunday afternoon nap/rest/movie. I got up at 4:50 and realized I had missed Art at Olde Town. I went late and visited with Wilders, Taylors, Bachs, Lovetts, Wells, and Newquists. Then down to ride 12 miles on the bike and run 3 miles. Denny went to prayer time at church.

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