Saturday, July 20, 2013

Wet suit trials and ... Roller derby in Cedar Falls

First ride in Jensen’s “new” car. An Accord from Shelby S. that has been up at Warren’s to get the air conditioner fixed. We went to Crawford Creek to try out Becky V’s wet suits. UFFTA!!! The pond looked beautiful; there was a haze over the water. The water must have been warmer that the outside temp. So pretty early in the am. Then to put on the wet suit. Now that was work. Missy laid my suit out with the zipper up and said Becky said to put them on like you put on nylons … So I did. More like a very tight girdle that goes from your ankle to a low crotch and threading my large arms back through the sleeves. I was just trying to zip up the gap when Missy laughed and told me I had it on backwards … UFFTA!!! Of course Missy had to take a picture, and later I found out that she sent it to Mandy. Now I’m sure that made her day and she headed off to work. Time for me to reverse the operation, uffta. Take (peel my self out of the wet suit) and then put it on again, inhale deeply and barely get it zipped. Now to get to the water, all the time feeling like I had been poured into the suit. Being in the water did not loosen it up at all. But we persisted. “Swam” for about 25 minutes. My swimming consisted mainly of a modified breaststroke. I couldn’t do my usual frog kick, because the crotch was low and constricted the kick. Wearing the wet suit was buoyant, but my body’s position was mainly vertical, not a floating horizontal. Don’t ask me why … I have no idea why, but it seemed the most comfortable. I lasted the 25 minutes and did get my heart rate up. And it was warm … We laughed a lot … and decided not to use the wet suits for the triathlon. I think I would do better with a suit that did not have sleeves and whose length was above knee length and a size XXXL. We peeled the suits off, changed, put on our tennis shoes, and ran for about 20-25 minutes on the trail that goes around Crawford Creek. The Creek area was beautiful in the am. There were about 3-4 groups of fishermen. Hopefully, we didn’t disturb the fish as much as we felt disturbed by the wet suites. Life is a learning process. Home by 8:30. Denny worked in Odebolt this am. I was not there to see him off, guess he made it okay. Packed, fixed lunch and packed a lunch for Sunday. Denny played with Grands after he got home. I was spreading dirt, and watering flower beds. Stuart U. brought out some 2x4’s from his work to make more tomato trellises. 2 youth were out to work with Phillip. We ate a quick lunch of cauliflower and broccoli soup, finished packing and left for Cedar Falls about 1:45. Denny listened to you tube roller derby and I have been writing posts for my blog. Jean and Arlan are on their way to Cedar Falls also. Looking for “Storming da Castle” fun time. We met at Day’s Inn. For supper we shared a huge tenderloin at Newton’s Paradise Café. Then to the bout. We were at the check in booth and were directed to the man in a black t shirt. What a surprise when it was Denny’s cousin Dirk. He helped us find a place to sit and explained the bout to us. It was a lot of fun to root for the Brew City Bruisers. Our tickets could be used at a place so we didn’t have to pay a cover charge. We went there, but it was not our style, so we left when Nancy got there. Then back to the hotel room where Nancy, Arlan, Jean and we sat and visited. Great day.

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