Friday, July 19, 2013

New Bank hours ... closes at 5 not 6 pm .... :)

Devotions outside. Rain. About an inch … between raindrops that fell on sidewalk. Read the book Glass Castle and finished it through out the day. In am I processed CSA vegetables. Lots of gardens produce. I decided to try and store the cleaned veggies in quart jars in the refrig. Steamed Swiss Chard and beet greens and froze them in a quart bag. Cleaned off little green onions, put them in a jar. Steamed cauliflower and froze 1 quart bag. Used the mixer and beaters on the remaining cauliflower to a mashed potatoes consistency. Steamed broccoli, put in jar. Cleaned and put some raw broccoli in a jar. Cut up Kohlrabi and put in a jar. Took tips off the ends of the green beans and put them in a jar. Boiled beets, peeled, and sliced them and put them in a jar. With all those jars … and my two jars of Bossy milk and cream. I have a lot of jars in the refrig. We will see how it works. Out side under the pine tree off the deck Phillip was playing barbershop. Three Jensen males got buzzes. Quite a change. So much pretty fine blond hair lying on the ground that Missy thought it should be picked up. She didn’t want it to get tracked back into the house. I made reservations for Days Inn at Cedar Falls for tomorrow night. Nancy J.(STORMIN DA CASTLE) and Milwaukee Roller Derby. Looking forward to it. When Denny came home he mowed at the unit and I went on line to look again at Miss Effie’s website. Then I worked outside on spreading dirt and watering. Omar used the trailer to bring home some insulation sheets left over from work. When Denny got done mowing we chilled and sat out at CSA barn. Pictures from mysterious winding stairway.

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