Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Water flowers ... rain would be nice

Slept til 6:30... Denny was up before me. In am I worked outside picking some green beans and watering and rototilling. Anabel and Missy came back from Denison, with one front tooth gone. Earlier this spring she had fallen on the slippery tiles behind the west garage door. The tooth was loose for her and she kept wiggling it with her fingers. The dentist yesterday said there was an abscess at the root and he should pull it. So out it came today, plus he took care of a cavity. Uffta. Later in the morning Evan wanted me to read. I would read a chapter of Boxcar Children then work for 10 - 20 minutes. Then read another chapter. At noon I went in to swim. I saw S. Brown walking the trail while I was at the pool. We visited a little. Two weeks ago he had 2 vertebrae in his neck fused. It has felt like a slow recover process for him. After swimming about 3/4 of a mile I ran 3 miles on the trail. At home I was so tuckered I took a nap. Then back outside to weed and rake. When Denny came home he started spray painting the south side of the bunkhouse. I would hear whistling. The paint sprayer would run then whistling would start, then quiet, then I could hear the paint sprayer running, then whistling, then quiet... that was strange. When I asked him about it later he said it was pretty high up and he kept thinking about his fall off the ladder in St. Joeseph. Plus the tall ladder was not very stable. Kinda scary. He got the job done, and it looks great. I grilled burgers and veggies and started a fire in the pit. Nice night It was hard to go in to go to bed.

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