Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Santa Fe bound

Up early and rode with Gail to spa to look at their pool. Decided not to swim. The pool was not any longer than the one at Wyndham, and it would cost $13 for a day pass. Looked like a lot of laps to me. Gail and Bruce were at the spa this am with power pump, yoga and playing tennis. We and Bergstrands left for Santa Fe. It was about a 2 hour ride. When we got there we walked around and went on a tour of the church of the miracle stairway, the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. At 1 we went on a trolley tour of the city. It was a really interesting narrative ride of about 1 1/2 hour. We ate lunch in a second floor patio overlooking the plaza. So pretty. It started to rain on the ride home. We stopped to put on rain gear and soon afterward the rain let up. Luckily we didn't get the inch of rain in an hour that fell near Taos. When we got back Gail and Bruce had burgers and veggies ready to go on the grill. Connie fixed yellow peppers stuffed with little smokies and cream cheese and wrapped in bacon. Pictures After supper we played Mexican Rummy. The circular stairway and a statue place we stopped on a trolley tour of Sante Fe.

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