Thursday, July 25, 2013

Laura to Storm Lake

Up early and had One a day. Went to Dose by 7 am. Half price sale on most of inventory. Spent $30. Lots of good stuff, though Denny might not agree. Picked up Laura for class in Storm Lake. We were there by 8:45. Her speech class lasted until 12. Then we made a bunch of stops, ate Mexican at La Junta’s, at SOS I got blue glasses to go with Mom’s dishes and Laura bought 2 t shirts for Stephen. She bought a dress on sale at Orange blossom. Wal Mart run, then back to IG by 3. I rode 7 miles on Cutshall’s bike and ran 2 miles. Next … home for CSA pickup. Denny was making green fried tomatoes. Tasha brought cucumber salsa. I gave one bouquet to Nick H. for his folk’s 40th anniversary. One vase went to Morgan for her new little girl, one to Mindy for her boy, and sold one to Peck’s. We cleaned up the shed and it started to rain a little bit, so we sat with Missy and Phillip in the CSA shed and watched it rain, but it didn’t rain very much. Bummer….

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