Saturday, July 27, 2013

Painting started ... 4-H auction

I was awake lying in bed from 2-5. Then I slept til 7. I marked stuffed animals that were all over my living room floor with masking tape tags telling the share amount that they could be bought for at the Awana store. Boiled the sweet corn, Outside I watered a couple of flower beds and began to move some tables in CSA shed. I fixed a tea party for the 2 girls out on the deck. One of the pretty tea cups got broken. Bummer. Watered and fertilized some of the flowers. Girls came out and helped me pick some and put in a basket for church tomorrow. Denny went into town and bought paint for painting two or three sheds. He tried a spray gun, but got frustrated. So he went to town to buy one. He had just gotten a good start when it was time to clean up the sprayer and himself to go to Sac county fair. We left about 3. We had to come back and get his bank folder with names of 4Hers and suggested bids. Before we left I listened for sleeping Asher, the girls colored, and Missy and Ranessa ran about 3 miles. At the fair Denny got the bid for 4 4-H’ers livestock bonuses for the Odebolt bank. This afternoon Phillip and Ryan took 4 boys canoeing on Maple River. At home we watched 2 episodes of 24 from Netflicks.

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