Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Started book and finished book

Up for devotions, then back to sleep for 1 hour. Ran section, Missy was running and biking. Weeded with Missy for a while. She and Stephanie took the kids to Lakeview biking and swimming. Called Odyssey and set up Aug 7th at 9 am for an informational meeting at HS. Planted plugs from Cathy at Miss Effies. Started book ...See you at Harry's by Jo Knowles. It was good, but hit very close to home with a three year old who dies. Sure love our little Brooks who woke up before his mom was back from running and got dressed, turned on the light and was reading a book so sweetly on the love seat in the kid's bedroom. I fixed hamburgers, beets in foil and cooked cabbage from the garden in crock pot for supper. Went to swim for 20 minutes. Talked to Zach about looking at the bikes. After supper I drove the 4 wheeler while Denny sprayed roundup around the barn, etc. Phillip finished putting up the trellises for tomatoes. They look really good. Pictures from Miss Effies.

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