Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Home for a day .. :)

Nice to be at home in the morning. I thought I would be gone just a few minutes picking flowers, but I missed Denny leaving for work. Got flowers cut and in the refrigerator in the CSA barn. I got 2 quarts of Bossy milk. YUM!! At 9, 4 Jensens and I headed to Carroll. I let them off at Christie’s … such cute kids. Hope and Naomi. I went to the mall and shopped “the day before ridiculous day” prices. Got a $35 navy sweater at Christopher and Banks for $10. Mostly just shopped and looked … I guess I did get 5 floral bags … for gifts sometime. About 12, I headed back to get Missy. She wanted to look for tennis shoes for A&E for school. Brown Shoes had them on sale for $30, plus a 25% discount. So they cost about $23. Good buy. She was tickled. We met up with Laurie and she took 3 Grands home with her until Friday. Then Missy and I went to Wal-mart. She got 18 more 2 gallon Mason jars so they can store the 2 ½ gallons of milk they get each am from Bossy. We called about the lawn mower getting repaired in Denison, it wasn’t done so we headed home. At home I cleaned and started laundry. At 4:30 the mower was done and so I went to pick it up. After work Denny got it running after the second try. Missy headed into IG to golf wit a couple of friends. Phillip was working on the sermon he is giving Sunday at Schaller. Denny and I went to church to pick up some of the lower cabinets to put under my orange counter top. We got the refrigerator moved and the SE corner cleaned out . Thanks Denny!!! I finished mowing the lawn using the lights on the mower. The house was quiet with no running little feet upstairs. … miss those little ones … we are so blessed. Pictures of Christie and Missy and Nancy's yard

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