Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"Tried" after 12 noon... Really

Awake from 2:30-3:45, Got up and had devotions, then back to sleep until 6:45. I stayed in the house until Denny left for work, then out to put the flowers together for CSA. I trimmed basil plants, and washed and banned sprigs together for CSA. At 11:45 I headed to IG pool. Swam 1 mile, then to Cutshalls and borrowed bike and biked 12 miles, then to the trail and walked/trudged 3 miles. (So basically I did a sprint triathlon. at at least "tried" one.) Home and mowed 2/3 of the lawn. First CSA came at 4:15 so I didn't get time to shower and clean up. So nice to visit with these nice people as they come and pick up their produce. I grilled burgers and hot dogs and put in a crock pot. Steamed fresh from the garden cauliflower and broccoli and tossed a big salad with kohlrabi, yellow zucchini, radishes, romaine lettuce, and curly bettors. YUM!! Great meal. We ate out on the deck after Phillip got back from taking produce to Omar. Denny had thought he would mow, but it sprinkled a little. He worked on Awana calender and August 14th training meeting letter. Have I said how much I like summer. Great weather, fun things to do, not teaching school, but getting a paycheck. Can stay up late, Go barefoot, work with my flowers. Mandy called she is engaged to Jason C. He proposed last night at the boundary waters and she said yes. Pretty happy daughter. He had talked to us about 2 months ago. and said he wanted to ask her at his grandfather's cabin during their family's vacation over the Fourth. Keep them in your prayers. :) :) :) Pictures of fun outside with cousins at Kingsley.

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