I got up early and was thinking about riding Gail’s bike. Instead I heard my sisters talking and decided to stay in the living room and talk with them. I called Matt and he gave me the go ahead to make purchases for his family at the garage sale. It was hard for me to pick out stuff for someone else. When Bruce wanted Gail to ride bike with him, she said her knees hurt and so I went with him. It was a beautiful ride by one of the lakes in Madison. Then up the bikepath so I could get some pictures of pole stocking caps. After Gail and Bruce left for Atlantic we started on outdoor projects. I pulled weeds in the north east corner of the yard, Mandy swept and cleaned up the front door way, Nancy dug up the grass between cracks, When it got too hot we went inside and tackled Nan’s craft room. Justine came over and brought salads, baked beans and fruit left over from the shower. In the afternoon when we worked in Nancy’s room she wrote thank you notes. She left for a Frisbee game about 5 and we headed for turtle sundaes at Michaels. Oh ya!!!! Dessert before supper. Then to Trader Joes for appetizers for supper. Pot stickers etc. etc We weren’t hungry because we just ate dessert. I made Nancy and Mandy sit ouot in the front yard, and visit /make bracelets/ be on the computer while I finished weeding, planting and putting down stepping stones in the corner of the yard. Bugs almost got the best of Nancy and she wanted to go in, but I whined that … “it sure would be nice if she could stay out.” And she did. Mandy got 7 – 10 bracelets done. We went in about 8 or 9. Then it was a late yummy supper of TJ’s appitizers. Pictures are of working with Justine in Nancy's room, working outside by front door and Mandy showing Todd all the "good stuff" she got at Nancy's garage sale. When we went to church on Sunday Nancy really liked the organ recital postlude. Toccata symphony V played by C M Widor

Woke at six... Read for a while them slept til 8. Church was at 9. Then we went to Home Depot to look at floor colors for Brownsville Gail Nancy, and I went to Art on the Square. For a quick look. We headed to Todd's for lunch. Mandy went to Nancy's about 2 from the overnight bachelorette party at the Tri Delta house. Todd had fixed a great lunch, We went to a pro ultimate frisbee game at 3. Interesting to watch.
Biggest point of interest for Denny was that Todd bought a quarter pounder slab of bacon on a stick. YUM!!!! Home to eat pizza, salad and left overs at Nancy's.
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