Thursday, July 11, 2013

Good bye Taos .... Hellos Mandy. In Denver

Left Taos at 8:15. We had a phone call Peggy was transferred to Rochester because of her blood count. Don remains sedated because of his trach. No visitors for him. Keep them in your prayers. Arrived at Mandy's. 1:05. We ate lunch at a place near her apartment. Gail and Bruce left with the truck and trailer after trying to put bikes in trailer, then deciding that No they would ride better in the back of the truck and then put the bikes in the trailer for overnight in a motel. About 45 minutes after they had left Denny realized that his billfold was with them. UFFTA!!! Mandy kept cool, called B&G and we drove to meet them while they waited for us. So thankful that it was not 8 hours after they left. We went with Mandy as she had her nails done. Then back to the apartment. Jason came, Mandy packed, We walked to a cool pizza place about 7 pm. Great night visiting, sitting outside and eating, moving inside because it rained, then walking home after the rain had stopped. Nice Denver.

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