Friday, June 1, 2012

Wednesday May 30

We spent the day at home. I watched kids play outside all morning. They used all the parts of the back yard. First, they would be on the trampoline, then at the park, then at the cowboy hideout, They played in the glass house and in the coop on the sand table. Missy had Joyce out with her 3 girls. Missy invited us for eggs, pancakes, and GGpa for lunch. Very nice. We watched videos on my bed for rest time. First a violent Return to Camelot, then the Butter cream gang. Disney DVD do not necessarily mean that they are good happy movies. Pictures are from Moorehead part yesterday. They thought the rocket was pretty awesome. You can see how Brooks is always 10 steps behind the other 4. It doesn't bother him. He just troops along. They all played so nicely. Then Aunt Mandy came and they really were happy to be on the rocket.

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