Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday June 3

I got up and fixed a pasta salad for lunch. We picked up Bethany when we took the Grands for donuts. It was a great service. I had missed being in Arthur the last 2 Sundays, I think. After church we had a picnic with Susan and Gorden at the Arthur park. It was good to just sit and visit. Denny worked at bank while I took a nap before heading home. When I got home I went to take out my contact and it was gone. I had felt it become uncentered while we were at the park, but I had thought it was back in place. Let's see, now I have a bum ankle, an abcessed tooth, a lost contact and a sore throat. I am so blessed that I don't have to deal with these things on a regular basis. We watched 2 Netflicks. Missy took the kids into VBS. I thought I better actually do something so I mowed the lawn. When I came in Denny had done his laundry and was vacuuming. Good day. We talked about riding the motorcycle, somehow with 2 bum right ankles it didn't sound like fun. Last week the grands had a grand time at the Ida Grove library. Haley read to Anabel in trolley car. And Evan in big soft chair. You can note that Brooks is busy by the window. Yes he did remove the wooden thing that gave a look of a 12 paned window. Got that fixed and him removed from the window area. UFFTA!!!

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