Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday June 4, 2012

I stopped over at Howard's for a quick visit before Denny headed in to work. Then to the computer to work on SS classes. About 10 I walked out to CSA shed and watched them wash lettuce before share distribution. They cleaned radishes, 2 types of lettuce, spinach, calantro and dill weed to distribute. I went back to work. I made an appointment for root canal in SC on Wednesday, Hair cut on Thursday after my Thursday eye appointment at 10. in IG on Thursday. Denny got home after 6. We chilled out on the deck. And ate our chicken,spinach,radish, 2types of lettuce salad. YUM!! Called Matt and Luke. Saturday when Brooks and I went to Carroll he put a bowl on his head. We got cotton Candy and brought some home for A&E.

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