Friday, June 22, 2012

Thursday June 21

Uffta!!! I just deleted a post I spent 25 minutes on. Faith, I can't believe you did it. Oh, yes, I can. Some days I'm not very much ahead of the students I teach. Evan was up early helping his mom pick edible pod peas. Denny and I stopped at Dad's before Denny headed to Arthur to work. I told Howard that Bob was coming to help with planting around 11. At home I picked liles for the CSA share pick up this afternoon. I headed into IG and got 15 asparagus plants at Pamida. Then to get my teeth cleaned at Patera, then to interview the Ida case worker for my SS class. I was home by 11. Bob was a life saver for me. Between Mandy, Bob, and myself, we somehow talked Howard into having the roses planted between the bushes. Bob planted 4 red knock out rose bushes. He dug up two bushes to throw away and he relocated one bush. I was so thankful. Mandy went inside and made sandwiches and cut up fruit. About 1 we took lunch to the CSA shed and ate it there with Bob and Howard. I went back to pick up tools and Mandy stayed to hang with AB&E. When I got home I started to read for SS class (plus I took at nap). At 5 Mandy came over and brought ingredients for pizza on the grill. She and Grands tried out the full pool. Glen L.came for CSA and helped trouble shoot the workings of the pool. Dad came over and we ate out by the chicken coop. CSA pick up continued as we ate outside. After supper Jensens and Johnsons sat out by the fire pit and enjoyed the beautiful, still night. Later Mandy put nail polish on my fingers and toes. I felt so pampered. After she left I worked on 2 assignments for SS classes until 1 pm.

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