Happy Birthday Gail! These are pictures from when we watched Maynard play at the state golf tourney on Friday. Before I went to Carroll I stopped at Howard's. Brooks and I left about 8:30. What a great guy to shop with. Denny helped Missy get hoses set up to high pressure spray the sow/bike/CSA shed. She worked most of the day on that job. In Carroll, we got the Prius oil changed and there was a factory recall part that they replaced. It was so fun to have Brooks along. He just echoed what I said and kept a conversation going. We stopped at Dollar General, 3 thrift stores where he was excellent, bread store, drive through McDonalds, Earl May, Bomgaars, another plant store and Wal Mart. What a guy. I told Missy the only way he could have been better was if he could have gotten in and out of his car seat by himself. Oh, yes when we stopped at Harley store they had a motorcycle rally going on. They were giving away cotton candy, which we took home to A&E. Brooks fell asleep on the ride home. I carried him into his crib, and I took a nap, too. Missy and Ranae went for a walk. Denny cut up the tree that was on cob shed at folks, He also did more dirt work, hoping to stop water seepage into the country condo. We grilled brats and had grilled potatoes and spinach/basil salad. It was another great day.

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