Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday June 16

So nice to sleep in and relax. Denny called on his way to work, I was still in bed. At 11 we walked down to parade. How convenient to watch a parade standing in front of Karen's Law office ... no wait, let's go inside the glassed entry way and watch in air conditioned comfort ... no wait, let's move the bench and sit in air conditioned comfort and watch the parade. When I waved at the gal passing out free pop, she even came inside and gave me a can of pop. Pampered. After the parade we walked home and Luke fixed us left overs extraordinaire. Looked good and tasted good. We hung out then went and had Loads of Fun, got a DVD and dancing game, went to the grocery store. Back to have Loads of Fun. It rained. Luke fixed a great meal for supper and we hung out , played a dance game and watched the DVD Game Money. Nice relaxing day.

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