Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday June 12, 2012

On the way out to the car to visit Howard Missy called us in to look at their new refrigerator. Looks great. Praise the Lord! As they walked into Lowe's to look at the frig they had found on line, here was a model on sale. It met the criteria... it would fit into the space in their kitchen. It even has an ice maker...that hopefully won't drip on the kitchen floor. He also took the time to write a check for the 13 new windows for the buildings on the went side of the road. When we got to Gpa's Mandy was making banana bread. She accused us of running in and out. It was a short visit. I spent the am working on papers for Summer school. At 10 we left to get Stangl's. Beth watched the kids, Laura and Stephen got groceries. Mandy led a work out in the blue room, then we swam a half a mile. More computer work at home and a nap. Denny came home before going to the motorcycle meeting. I chose to stay home. Actually Mandy invited us over for supper. It was great. Chicken, Zucchini stir fried over Quito (something kinda like rice) plus strawberries, grapes and banana bread. We came home to find some decks of cards for a pinterest craft project. Then back to the country condo to watch a flick. Food, Prayer and peace or something like that. I skimmed the book The Short Bus that I have to do a 100 point group project on by the 25th. Denny and 11 others went to Sac City Cattlemans for a ride. Pictures from Grand's visit. The girls thought they were so neat with their hair in towels. CUTE!!! Jason, she could have been wearing this dress to the wedding. Don't you think she looked good in blue?

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