Stopped at Howard's before going to pick up Laura. She rode with me to my root canal appointment in SC. Now that's a fun trip for wonder I wanted a good friend to join me. We took the long way to SC past Smithland. I stopped at Green Acres and got some plants. Then to a thrift store and Hamilton Blvd. I hooked up a movie for her to watch on my phone while I spent 1 and1/2 hours with the dentist. I don't really understand why they ask you how you are doing. There is no way I could answer him with all the stuff that is in my mouth. Besides if I said "crappy" what could they do about it anyway? It is not like he could stop now that he has this huge hole drilled in my tooth. I really wanted to say that going to the dentist really is
not my favorite thing to do and I would rather be most any place but here. Then when all the stuff is out of my mouth and I can talk, Half of my face is so numb that I bite my cheek when I talk. Such is life. We had a quick sandwich at McD. stopped a few more places and headed home. Ice cream at Correctionville YUM!! Nap at home and then Brenda and Jenn brought the oval table back. Mandy joined us on the deck for lemonade. I came down and started on my summer school work. Phillip had teens out to the garden to work. I fixed sausage and biscuits, spinach salad, and watermelon and we ate a Howard's. Back home I started on the power point for Short Bus and got it emailed to the other 3 in my group at midnight

. Denny put new windows in CSA shed. He has had a long week at work.
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