Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Saturday June 30

It was Hawaii day at the Burr Oak country school the year that state joined the United States. We had a bulletin board. My sister Nancy had a college friend Kay Koweeki come and talk. She also showed us how to the hula. I am following her with every move. I look quite good, don't you think? I wonder why every one else was taking so long to turn around. And my hands are in just the right place. Sister Gail was serving pineapple to some who came for a program. Sister Jean was the pineapple queen. If you look in the background, you can see little Keith and Mom Bernice sitting behind him. Soo cute. Friday June 30I went to Howard's about 8 and had a piece of toast with him. Denny is using knee scooter pretty well. Mark S. stopped and visited with Denny for about 45 minutes. Really nice of him. I stressed out over citing my paper in text. Linda and Dean stopped by dad's and got the built in cupboard from Julia's. They stopped over for a short visit. Jensens came down for a quick visit before they got Stephen and Laura to babysit while they went out for their anniversary. I weeded the three rows of flowers in the garden while Laura and Brooks hung out with me.

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