Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday June 6

Up early, I didn't sleep very well. I realized I hadn't taken a pain pill because my tooth was feeling better, Without the pain pill I noticed my ankle felt more sore. Such is life. I stopped with Denny over at Howard's. Howard and Mandy are planning to go to rec center at 9. Missy is watching B boys. At 12:30 we head in to rec center. I will watch grands in pool inside. M&M will swim laps in outdoor pool. ( at least that is what they said. Quite often it looked like they were visiting between each lap :)Worked on classes in afternoon. Denny came home about 6. He brought some old carpet that was replaced today at bank. We ate a quick supper and he headed out to take down hog panels by CSA shed. Mandy came over to help. She hooked chain to fence posts and Denny pulled them out from ground with the bobcat. Quite a transformation. It was so much fun to watch them work together on a project. Phillip commented that we got an amazing amount of work done with 3 people that have with only 4 good legs between the us,(Denny, Mandy, and myself) Mandy was quick to note that her feet had on flip flops... real working shoes. A guy called today interested in getting a red wattle boar. Lord, it's all yours. Keep guiding. Thank you for Dan and his renting the sow unit. I should write down someplace what I am taking for the infection in my tooth. 2 150 MG capsules of Clindamycin every 6 hours. After I finished my first 56 capsule bottle, I was still swollen so Dr. Parks wrote another prescription. My appointment is on Wednesday in SC. The dentist wanted me to continue on the medicine. I have been taking hydrocodone 2 tablets every 6 hours for pain with the infected tooth. During the day I took Ibupropine. I have stopped taking any thing for pain yesterday, but I was up a little last night. My ankle boot was bothering me.

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