Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wednesday June 27

I got up about 6 and went to the yard to pick 30 lilies, 10 status, 30 asparagus greenery, 10 Cleome spider flowers, and an assortment of 30 other flowers for 10 share croppers to make their own arrangement. I watered some plants and went in to shower. Denny and I left for the Midwest Surgical Hospital 7915 Farnam in Omaha about 8:30 with the pickup. He figured it would be easier to ride home in after surgery. We checked in and did paper work. By 11 I was leaving and Denny was getting his anesthetic. Surgery was at 12. They were serving lunch from 11- 2 so I had a hot soup and a sandwich before sitting and waiting. Dr. Fitzgibbon came to talk about 2:45. The surgery went well. He put about5-6 screws in his ankle bones from the bottom of his foot up. Then added a couple more for good measure. One came down diagonally from the top of the outside ankle bone and another diagonally down on the inside of his ankle. I will try to post pictures of the x rays when I get home. As Rory put it,"It looks like a bad construction job." that just kept adding screws to make for sure that board would stay in place. I went up in room 5 on second floor to wait for Denny to get back to the room. They had to wake him up on recovery room about 4. He took his high blood pressure medicine this am. In surgery he had low blood pressure. He was pretty groggy. The hospital serves a guest meal with supper for the patient.I stayed until 8 and then headed to Whitney's. I lay down in their hammock in the back yard. They were at a video program at church. The way of the Master. Kathy stopped at Chipolte for supper for them. We visited til about 11. Burr Oak School The first picture is of dad, Maynard Newhouse, when he was a teacher in Burr Oak. The second picture is of Dad when he went to the Burr Oak school. He is the boy with the shut eyes kind of in the middle of the picture. I hope to replace the school building pictures with some pictures of Denny's X rays.

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