Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday June 26

Didn't go to coffee at Dad's this am. I worked on my four assignments that I needed to complete by Wednesday night. At 10 I picked flowers for the widow's luncheon and took them up to Arthur. Then home to work on assignments. At one I had an appointment to have a X ray at the hospital. Mandy was working the 7 - 3 shift. She shared what was left of her lunch with me. Dr. Luft said the boot stays on for another 3-4 weeks then another Xray. If not okay, a cast for 4 weeks. He said it was my call if I wanted a cast now. I said I would decide by Monday. My thoughts are... can we have two of us casts? How would that look? Do I want to take the chance of being in this boot for 4 more weeks and then a cast for 4 more weeks... It might be better to bite the bullet and just get a cast on. BUT two pairs of crutches??? I'm thinking may be he could put a cast on to stabilize the ankle area, the I could wear my boot and walk with it. I suppose the cast material isn't strong enough to take the weight. I came home and worked on assignments. Denny came home after getting organized at the bank to be gone 30 days. Mandy and Howard came over for supper. Mandy had grilled the chicken that Denny had bought at Trader Joes. Phillip was at an extension meeting. We ate out on the deck. Before going to bed I submitted the last assignment for 676. Burr Oak School The pictures are of the Burr Oak School. It has been remodeled into a home. There were 25 of alumni for the tour, get together, and picture. Four Newhouse siblings, three Snell sisters, 2 Dotzler sisters, and 2 Hovden sisters. Plus other brave souls who came with out the support of siblings. The one picture is of BO school when Laura Ingalls Wilder lived in BO. It was replaced in 1929 with the school house that still stands and is now a beautiful home.

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